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  • Writer's pictureThe Aussie Working Mum

My Birth Plan and How it changed.

It's scary, especially for a first time mum. No matter how much research you do, you still freak out at the thought. Like everyone you research different pain killers, birthing options, positions, you research how the hell to survive, I know bit of an over exaggeration.

Writing your birth plan and discussing it with your birth partner gives you that piece of mind, a bit more of an understanding about your rights, needs and wants. And whilst you must keep in mind it's more of a "this is what I'd like to happen" versus "this is what will happen" because once you're in there you may change your mind, things may take a turn, and remember you cannot control what baby decides to do.

For me, writing up a birth plan with my partner was a must. It helped me understand all the options you have whilst in labour, and helped my partner understand what my needs were. It also meant that if something happened he could step up and make decisions for me as he knew my wishes. I don't handle well, I basically zone out to my own little world so would rely on my partner to make sure my wishes were being met and make decisions if changes needed to be made.

Below is my birth plan, my decision for it and what changed when it hit go time.


· Lights Dimmed/ using own lamps

· Use of shower and bath for labour only

· Full mobility during labour

· Limited monitoring and vaginal examinations

· No epidural or Water injections

· Gas and Air only

· I do not want an episiotomy

· As few interruptions as possible

· The room as quiet as possible

· Hospital staff limited to my own doctor and nurses (no students, residents or interns present)

· I would like to wear my own clothes

· I do not want a urinary catheter

I pretty much stuck to everything above, the shower ultimatley was my best friend. Having my partner there with me supporting me under the hot water, I never wanted to get out of it. I stuck to Gas and Air only. I said to my partner no matter what I say, don't let me get an epidural. The risks weren't worth it to me, especially with 3 bulging discs in my lower back put me more at risk and the thought of something in my spine and being restricted to the bed I did not want to do. Near the end, I did ask for it, he wouldn't let me and I'm so thankful for that. I hated the idea of being naked in front of a room full of people so I wanted to keep my clothes on (Giant mens t-shirt from kmart, thank you $5), however, I ended up butt naked completely well before it was time to push because I didn't have the energy or patients to keep getting dressed and undressed to get in and out of the shower which I did every 20 minutes.


· I do not want an injection to assist with placenta delivery

· I want to avoid an assisted delivery

· Birthing positions to be decided on the day by comfort

· Please delay cord clamping and cutting until pulsating ceases

· I would like my birth partner to cut the cord

· Before anything is administered to myself or baby they must be communicated to myself and birth partner with approval given before it can be done.

I ended up getting the injection to assist with the placenta delivery, my partner made this decision for me and I'm so thankful for it. It was out 2 minutes after my baby was so I wasn't pushing for another hour and I could feel the cord hanging out and it felt so weird and horrible.

I had an assisted delivery, but only for a little bit with the VBac then I finished pushing myself. It was necessary and although you think you don't want it, when you hear your babies heart rate has dropped and isn't moving down fast enough you stop caring and will agree to anything that will help save your baby.


· I do not want a Caesarean unless absolute last resort

· In the event that a caesarean section is deemed necessary, I would like the following:

· I would like my birth-partner to remain with the baby at all times

· I do not want baby dressed until I can be with baby

· I do not want anyone besides my birth partner to see baby until I can see baby


· I want baby placed on my chest immediately after birth – if not able to baby is to be placed immediately on birth partners chest for chest to chest time.

· I would like the baby to be examined in my presence – If the baby cannot be examined in my presence, I would like my birth-partner to remain with the baby at all times

· Baby to be fed colostrum brought in or pumped via myself or birth partner only

· No pushing into breastfeeding

· Baby is not to be bathed

· I am happy for my baby to be given Vitamin K and Hepatitis B Injections with both myself and birth partner present.

· Baby is not to be circumcised


· In the event that baby requires special care due to trauma or illness

Ø Birth partner will accompany baby if transferred to another hospital

Ø I would like to be transferred to baby's hospital

· I would like to have as short a stay as possible in hospital and have as much privacy after baby is born with door knocking before entering the room after birth

· Birth Partner has full rights to medical decisions, and will communicate on my behalf in the case I am unable to.

· Birth Partner to have unlimited access to me and baby

· Baby to stay in my room unless accompanied by myself or birth partner.

· Visitors to the hospital allowed pending approval by myself and birth partner before be let into the room.

Now I know, some of these things seem obvious, but if you're writing a birth plan anyway I saw it as saving accidents and reducing miscommunication. What's obvious to you is not obvious to others, and remember these midwives and doctors are dealing with others besides you so there can be no confusion that way.

It is so important that you remember that you can't control certain things, that way it will reduce the stress when something needs to be changed or an emergency happens. Involve your birth partner in writing this as they are your support, your eyes and ears and your advocate when you haven't slept in 39 hours and aren't ready to push yet.

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