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  • Writer's pictureThe Aussie Working Mum

Your Relationship With Children + 30 Day Relationship Challenge

Being new parents adds new worries, new things to focus on and new stresses, you end up so focused on your bundle of joy along with sleep deprivation/ shift work with your partner, one thing you'll notice will drop and change is your relationship with your partner. Before you had time to focus on each other, cuddle up in bed and give each other the amount of attention each needed. But now, you're either too exhausted or always with the baby and some times you'll miss your old life and feel as if your relationship is falling apart.

What you need to remember is you're both in the same boat, its completely normal and it's a somewhat easy fix. Always remember to talk to your partner about how you feel, it's the little things that make the biggest difference, a good morning text, a quick coffee when you're making yours. Click Here to download my 30 Day Relationship Challenge, sometimes all it takes is 5 minutes to show you appreciate them and it will make their day!

Don't forget to share your progress!

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